
Sunday, 28 April 2019

Crunchy Squad

I know it's been about three months or so, BUT! that's still less than three years, so 'posting more frequently' still stands! :D

If you know BTS, you surely know BT21.
If you know BT21, you surely know SHOOKY.
If you know SHOOKY, do you also know the other 362 members of the Crunchy Squad?
No? Neither do I! (Yet, that is.)

Earlier this month, ARMY were asked to come up with their very own Crunchy Squad members to join SHOOKY on his adventures.
362 members of the Crunchy Squad, brought to life alongside SHOOKY inside a bakery.
How do they look like? What are their names? 
Candy, fruits, pencils, flour..(?) Anything is possible!
The Crunchy Squad needs you and your creative juice
to complete the squad as they go on an amazing adventure with SHOOKY :)
Of course I had to participate! :D
(And of course I left it to the very last day, an hour or so before the deadline)
[STEP 01] Draw & Name your Crunchy Squad!
- Sketch, photo, etc. Any form of expression is possible!
- From 1 to 362. The number of Crunchy Squad characters you can submit is infinite!- Please name your character(s) only in English and in numbers.
I immediately thought of Linzer Augen (or Jammy Dodgers, as they might be called in your corner of the world), with the 'Augen' (German for 'eyes') as either the...well, eyes, or as their chubby, blushing cheeks.
I made a little sketch with three different cookies (all rather cute, if you ask me), but instead of submitting a pencil drawing, I decided on actually baking them! :D
The names I came up with were rather unoriginal (JAMMY, DODGER and LINZY), but I thought they were cute and fit well, so who cares.
The numbers I gave them were #43, #44 and #45, simply because 4 is my favourite number :D (and because I think Jammy Dodgers are rather basic cookies which would be some of the first cookies so be baked, while the later cookies may be a bit more unusual)

On the day I decided to bake my cookies...the lower floor of our house had no electricity.
Although, no, I lied, the fridge and the oven both DID have electricity. A sign maybe~~~~~~~?
Well, I ignored that sign until 1AM, when I grabbed a flashlight, went to the kitchen and made some dough in the dark.
[I didn't have enough flour to make a large batch, and I technically only needed 6 cookies anyway, so I made a third of the recipe (1/3 of an egg yolk and all)]
The next day, I baked and filled them (still in the dark) and then tried decorating them.
Yeah, chocolate won't really hold on a sugar dusted surface, who knew.
So I took a picture and added the faces and limbs in paint. (Yes, paint. The king of all art programs.)
Sadly, the cookie who was supposed to be DODGER looked absolutely terrifying! No matter what I did with the eyes, he looked both murderous and creepy. So LINZY became DODGER, and my dad ate the evil cookie (before it tried eating one of us)
[STEP 02] Upload your work on Twitter!
- To prevent plagiarism, please write your Twitter ID (e.g: @BT21_) on your work.
- Please include the following hashtags on your Twitter: 
#Draw_BT21 #CrunchySquad #BT21_UNIVERSE
[STEP 03] Watch your ideas come to life through the official BT21 account.
- LINE FRIENDS Creators who design and illustrate BT21 will build on, develop, and expand upon your ideas which will be reflected on the final Crunchy Squad.
- The Crunchy Squad, built upon your ideas, will be unveiled through the official BT21 Account. 
I hope my two cuties (or a variation of them) will make it into the Crunchy Squad! :D
Wish me luck!